Saturday, May 23, 2009

Oh you know, just another day at the Goat Show...

Hah. Goat show, just thinking about it makes me chuckle...
So our fairgrounds had some random Dairy Goat Show today. And my Dad of course, being the nerdy man he is, wanted to set up a booth and advertise our Organic Alfalfa Company...

And what better to have then two saucy looking ladies like me and Brittany to entice customers. Lordy Lordy.

So we got up at the crack of dawn (or more-so, the crack of my curtains at 8am) and headed down the road for a wonderful, educational experience at the Goat Show.
We, uh... saw some things that I almost wish I hadn't seen, but am still glad I saw.
So, for your pure enjoyment...
Here's the Line-Up:
  1. Little girl who enjoys pulling on goat tails, and eating "Goat Pebbles" mmmm. Girl after my own heart. Wait. What? Did I just say I like eating poop?

2. An overly affectionate, in public, sitting next to mom, teenage couple... PDA PDA! Gag, Gag.

3. And for the GRAND FINALE, this is no joke people, a 60 year old pregnant woman... Yes I confronted her and asked her age. Totally kidding, no but seriously. Oh and the best part, actually it's not possible to top the whole pregnant at 60 thing, but anyways, she had a goat chewing on her hair... Isn't that grand? I'd sure love to be that Baby Daddy... what a cougar.

So, it's been quite an adventure... A swell experience altogether, I must say.

Side Note: I also kept track of how many different ways my Dad inappropriately used the words, Udder, Teet, Nipple, and Breast Milk. About a hundred. Per minute.

Love y'all, hopefully I can become a little more serious on here. Maybe tomorrow. Peace. :)

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