Wednesday, August 12, 2009


STRONG. That seems to have been the theme for me this entire summer. Strong in my Faith, PKRC Strong, and Army Strong. Now that my summer has come to a screeching halt, I have had the chance to just sit back and soak up everything I have experienced this summer; Every moment I have shared with the kids (too many to write about), with my fellow staff, and with my God. And I would like to share how each have impacted me this summer.

My Heavenly Father-
Couldn’t have done it without my faith in Him. That’s for dang sure. Even when I wanted to quit, I didn’t. He called me here for a reason, and nothing was going to stop me from serving Him.

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we DON’T GIVE UP. Therefore whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone- especially those in the family of faith.”
Galatians 6:9-10

Friends, we have no idea how or when we may impact the people that surround us. You have no idea who is watching you, or who is looking up to you. But we do know that we should do GOOD to everyone. Do good to the person who sits in the cubicle next to you every day, do good to the person who flips you off on the way to work, or to the family member who has done you wrong in the past, do good to the person who is at war with you. I hate to sound as if I’m using every cliché in the book, but seriously think about it. Love people. And always be the stronger person. Think about how we can apply STRENGTH to our own lives. And how we can change ourselves for the betterment of someone else on this earth who may need us, and most importantly who may need God.

My daddy always told me. “Our last minute is always God’s right on time.”
So don’t stress. Everything happens for a reason.

Nadia (representing all of the kids I have worked with this summer)-

This beautiful little girl was born in Russia without either of her arms, her family adopted her when she was tiny, and now they live in Texas. Nadia showed me STRENGTH. I spent 5 days with her, and I learned how to eat with my feet, paint with my feet, and how to just be a kid, Nadia made me realize how extremely fortunate I am in this life. Every day of her little life Nadia is going to be faced with a new challenge. Going into the 1st grade this fall and having to face bullies who may treat her differently because she doesn’t have arms. In 8 years, going to high school and being told she can’t be on the team because she’s “different” or because she has a “handicap.” Wrong. She can do anything she set’s her mind to, and I strongly believe that she will. And she will do it with more integrity than you and I could ever muster up.
I owe my STRENGTH to her.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you HOME again to your own land.”
Jeremiah 29:11-14

My Family-
Your constant support is what I will need ALWAYS. It means more than anything else to know that you are ALL there for me no matter what life brings my way. Daddy and Pani for always being that conscience in the back of my head making me think before I speak, or think situations through before I make decisions, and for calling me and making my day. Gramma for always sharing your wisdom with me. Your letters to me this summer kept me going, just knowing that you took the time out of your days 3 times a week to write me a good old fashioned letter just made me feel so loved and cared for. Momma- for always calling and checking up with me and allowing me to share everything with you without having to worry about being judged. I love you for that. Nana for making sure that I always had a home cooked meal when I needed one, and your wisdom as well is what allowed me to make it through the summer. Jake for being able to share my spiritual growth with, and being able to see how God has worked in your life his summer was an incredible experience. Lindsay for always being my moral and emotional support, I love you for your constant care and prayers for me. Rachael- baby girl, I could NOT have done it without you in the “Real World House” this summer. Haha. You always kept me in check, and stuck by my side even during the sucky times. I love you girl.

My summer with the kids may have come to an end faster than what I expected, but he stepped in at just the right time. I have received my STRENGTH first from the Lord, but it has been reinforced through the kids, through my family, my close friends and through Brandon. He is a man of STRENGTH, integrity, faith, and honor. He, along with several others, serves in the United States Army. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure the Army has a self explainable slogan.

I’m tellin’ ya, God has a sense of humor.

In knowing Brandon for only a week so far, he has already become a huge part of my life. And he should be, he should be a huge part of all of our lives. As of yesterday, he is once again, in Iraq fighting for our country. And I am so proud to have the chance to know him. Pray for him. Pray for all of the men and women fighting the good fight.
Brandon is STRONG, and because of that, I am STRONG.

I usually struggle for words when it comes time to conclude my blogs. But I found a word of scripture that speaks so much truth, and says what I want to say better than I ever could do myself. So please read these miraculous words of Paul the apostle written to the Church at Ephesus, and to all believers everywhere.

I love you all. And thanks for sticking by me this summer.
-Lauren McKenzie

“A final word: be STRONG in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the spirit at all times and on every occasion STAY ALERT and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. And pray for me too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike. I am in chains now, still preaching this message as God’s ambassador. So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.”
Ephesians 6:10-20

Saturday, July 25, 2009

God's Gift to Me.

So before I post the lyrics to Zach's song, I want you to know a little background info first.

Zach is 16, he is strong, so sweet, and extremely talented. A talented person over all, he is an amazing baseball player, leader, and musician... And he has a hand deformity. During the talent show this week, he sang a song that he wrote himself, and had everyone in crying in their seats. I hope it effects you like it did me...

God’s Gift To Me
- Zach Whetstone

Welcome to the first day of your life,
You see that man smile at his wife
The doctor looks and says to the man, you know he won’t have a hand?

If that’s a problem for you
You’re gunna have to see me,
There’s nothin’ he can’t do
It’s the way God meant him to be.

He’ll learn to tie his shoes before he’s in Pre- K
And play every sport before the first grade.
He’ll be the first to take his hat off inside,
And when the flag is raised, the first to stand in pride.
Look in my eyes and tell me you can’t see,
It ain’t no handicap,
this is God’s gift to me.

I’m so happy I made the team,
But it’s not fair, or so it seems.
The season’s passing; it’s been a month,
And I ain’t played really all that much.
Dad turns to me and offers help,
No thanks I said, I’ll handle this myself.
Coach told me son, it’s not your fault,
It’s just cause of your hand.

If that’s a problem for you, you’re gunna have to see me.
But I’m warning you coach, the next time our paths meet,
I’m gunna put one over your centerfielder’s head
And you’re gunna wish you never got out of bed.
Oh God I can’t wait to see your face when I go out and throw 14 K’s.
You had your chance, It’s too bad you couldn’t see,
This ain’t no handicap,
This is God’s gift to me.

There’s a lot of people like me, who just need to believe,
They ain’t handicapped.
No, they ain’t handicapped.
Just look in a mirror and they can see,
This is God’s gift to me.

Hands Down 2

Not to make a lame joke... but.

HANDS DOWN, this week was definitely one of my favorite ones this summer.
I had campers that were 11-17, so the oldest group so far, and they each were born with hand differences. Varying between, a lack of several fingers, no wrists, no hands at all, or little stubbies, so cute...

I LOVED being able to catcha break from little munchkins running all over the place, the older kids are so so awesome! Except the boys just loved playing pranks on all of the girls... I can't count how many times, my phone, ray bans, and clothes were stolen...

But it's okay, we got em back. Sunscreen in their toothpaste, red koolaid in their shampoo and in the shower heads... And all of their shoes thrown onto the roof of their cabins.. Haha...

Good times.

On a more serious note: The inspiration level was at a HIGH this week.
These guys are so beautiful... I know I say that about every week, but it's so true, each and everyone of them are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

And they have made me extremely grateful to have both of my hands...
and even if I didn't, they taught me how to work without them... Alex has no hands at all, and that kid can throw a frisbee 10 times as far as I can... No joke.

Anyways... KJ and Zach constantly had me drooling (and crying) over their musical talent. Both were amazing guitarists, despite their hand differences. And incredible songwriters...

I'm going to post their lyrics up in a seperate blog for you to read.


Keep praying for me everyone,
this is the last stretch of the summer...
3 more weeks...

Pray for Perserverance,
an open and loving heart,
and pray for me to have patience and for me to learn to pick my battles.

I love you all.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


So today was my first time in church since being at PKRC... kind of rough not being able to have transportation to go to church here... I have had a really hard time with that. But I went to TBC this morning, and can I just say- that it was JUST what I needed. I needed a HUGE slap in the face...
The lesson this morning was on Compassion, and it was about Jesus feeding the 5,000..
The few worship songs were incredible- it's amazing how God plans out the little things, to touch me in just the right way, and worship music is it...
Let me share some lyrics...
Mighty to Save- By Hillsong United
So take me as you find me
all my fears and failures,
fill my life again.
I give my life to follow
everything I believe in
Incredible. I mean yeah, I've always known how much I loved that song- but man when those lyrics came up on the projector, they just hit me hard, like a blow to the chest. And it really made me search myself. And realize how many things I have been doing wrong.
I mean, it's so easy for me to get caught up in all the praise I receive for doing the work I'm doing this summer. But that's not why I'm here. I'm not working with these kids in order to get a pat on the back from someone at the end of the day. I'm here, because I'm SERVING my GOD... and I'm serving Him by being there for these kids, and to love on them.
And I, in return, am a blessed person, simply because of the fact that God is allowing me to have the opportunity to work with these kids. I love them so much.
So I pray to my God, these lyrics word by word.
Take me as you find me,
all my fears and failures, and please FILL my life again.
I give my life up, in order to follow you, the One that I believe in.
NOW, I surrender to you.
Compassion- A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by: a strong desire to ALLEVIATE the suffering.
That's the exact mentality each and every one of us should wake up to each morning. Compassionate. Giving my wants, my needs up, in order to help someone else in whatever way i can, in order to make things a little easier for them to live their life. Have compassion.
Give your love of justice to the king, O God, and righteousness to the king's son.
Help him judge your people in the right way; let the poor be treated fairly.
May the mountains yeild prosperity for all, and may the hills be fruitful.
Help him to defend the poor, to rescuse the children of the needy, and to crush their opressors.
May they fear you as long as the sun shines,
as long as the moon remains in the sky.
Yes, forever!
Psalm 72: 1-5



Sorry about the lack of "blogging."
These last two weeks have been HECTIC.

Last week was Camp Soaring Eagle, kids with neurological disorders... it had to have been one of our toughest camps out here so far (before this week of course.)

The kids needed a lot of personal help, unlike the other camps I've worked with. They needed help with the very basic things in life- that we all take for granted, being able to do; Feeding ourselves, bathing, using the restroom, etc.

The kids we're incredible, of course, like they are every week... And they had the most amazing staff, and directors... Kuddo's to Camp Soaring Eagle...


haha... so unlike our other weeks, the schedule was much different.
The week was split into two separate camps, which were both day camps.
Kids come at 8 am and leave everyday at 3...

MonTueWed- Project Heartbeat- kids who are displaced or considered "homeless" by the state of Texas- all from the Belton area..

Cutest little kids ever! So fun, and full of energy... extremely crazy. Praise God it was a day camp.

ThursFriSat- Camp Care a Lot- Mixed diagnosis camp... ahhh...

First off let me just say, that the kids were awesome...
however, I was extremely stressed the entire time they were here because of the "lack of organization." But it was still a fun camp...

Anywho... This week- Hands Down 2... Teenagers with hand deformities. :) Excited!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dear Gramma Mar Mar,

Hey Grams!
I thought this would be a fun little change in things, to make you your own individual blog post. Of course, so I can keep up with your many letters that I get every week.
(I LOVE them, by the way)
The kids are precious this week. It's Camp Soaring Eagle. Kids with Neurological disorders. Several of them are epileptic (meaning they have seizures), as well as Cerebral Paulsy, Autism, Muscular Sclerosis, Spina Bifida, etc...
These kids are very different from the others because they need help with the very basic things in daily life, that many of the other kids didn't need help with. Like: getting dressed, or showering, and using the restroom. However, they have coundelors that come with them to take care of those things. They're cute though, we played on the inflatable slip and slide with them today. They LOVED it. I also got to take them on a little Nature walk. It was cool...
I miss you a lot. And I can't wait to come out and see you once school starts back up. I love the pictures you sent me! All of the boys are getting so big. Cute hair Evan and Zach... hahaha. Surfer boys..
AND to answer your "Gramma Questions"
  • Yes, of course we do crafty things with them! HELLO LADY, look who you're talking to... haha... Each week the kids get to paper mache their own "group" pinatas, after they dry they get to paint and stuff them with candy. So cute... I also just reorganized our craft cabinet. And labeled where everything goes. You'd be SO proud.

  • Yes there are tons of bugs out here... They bothered me a lot when I first got here. But now they don't like me. I use bugspray. We have mosquitoes, chiggers, and fire ants.

  • I get SO spoiled here for meals, we have a chef named Corey, and he cooks AMAZING full course meals for everyone... 3 times a day. Which is why I'm not losing weight like I usually do when I'm active. Haha.

  • I don't need anything really, we will go on walmart runs on the weekend if we need stuff, otherwise.. our boss keeps a good eye on us, and makes sure we have everything we need.

ALSO: I think I forgot to mention to you, that I'm shooting a wedding this weekend! My very first wedding. I'm extremely nervous, but I think I've done all the researching and studying I can do, I just have to go out and do it now. It's the wedding of the couple who I took engagement pictures of in the fall. It should be fun.

But anyways, I'm late for dinner... as usual. Pajama movie party tonight with the kiddos.

I LOVE YOU, "Grand-Ma-Ma"


Out on a Limb Recap

Wow. The entire week was such a blessing in disguise...
You really have no idea how much kids can impact you until they come, make a mark in your heart forever, and then leave you...
After the kids left I was a sobbing mess. They were such a cute, spunky and funny group of kids. I miss them every single day that passes.
I miss sitting with them at the dinner table, completely enthralled by the different ways they eat their food. Nadia sitting on the table eating with her cute little feet (after we washed them of course), Nessa using her cute little stubbies to pick up her fork, Yuri using his adorable, and dangerous, little hook arm. Boy oh boy do I miss these incredible children...
They will forever hold a special place in my heart.
I cannot wait to adopt a beautiful little child one day.